Howdy, friends. Long time no see. And that's usually a sign that things aren't great.
Last time I wrote here I shared that one of my dogs has diabetes. Well, yes she did have diabetes, and yes it was serious. She ended up dying, not from diabetes, but instead from liver failure. The vets are convinced that it was unrelated. That was somewhat of a relief, but not all that comforting. She was still gone, the second dog I lost that week.
There are some other major stressors going on right now, that I'm not going share. Suffice it to say that 2013 has been one of the most frustrating years that I've experienced and we're only 2.5 months in. I believe that things will calm down by March. At least I hope so.
As I've explained before, I am a stress eater. I haven't been diligent. Therefore there have been crickets chirping over here at DiaBETHic. I tell you this just to let you know that I haven't abandoned my post, but that life has interfered with my best intentions.
You probably won't here from me for a few more weeks. By then, things should be settling down. Spring will be around the corner. I should be in a much better place, both literally and figuratively. 'Till then, take care and I will be talking to you very soon.